

Nothing is more important to us than the teaching and learning that takes place at our school. Every member of our professional staff plays a role in fulfilling the promise and potential of each child. We do this by employing passionate, curious, and engaged thought leaders in differentiating instruction and progressive education. Holding true to our school values, we actively seek to promote diversity and inclusion in our administration, faculty, and student body.



  • Early Elementary Teacher

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    Live Oak is accepting resumes for an Early Elementary Teacher in the early elementary grades (kindergarten-second) to begin in August 2025. Applicants should have experience as head teachers, professional training, enjoy collaborative work on curriculum development, demonstrate a commitment to issues of equity and social justice, and feel a resonance with the school’s mission, vision, values, and educational philosophy. Please submit a resume, cover letter, and statement of educational philosophy.
    Early Elementary Teachers at Live Oak work in a team teaching structure, collaborating with a co-lead teacher in each classroom of 22-24 students.

    Primary Responsibilities and Duties
    • Collaborate with the grade level teaching team teacher to plan, consistently document, and implement the grade-level curriculum in accordance with the school’s educational philosophy, established scope and sequence, and adopted resources.
    • Develop and implement robust assessment practices; provide regular and individualized feedback to students.
    • Manage student behavior with the use of classroom and management strategies that are structured, consistent, respectful, responsive to student needs to build a safe, orderly, inclusive classroom community, and aligned with the adopted resources.
    • Understand and model the school’s mission, vision, and values in relationships with students, colleagues, and families, including the school’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
    • Create a classroom community that thrives in constructivist practices.
    • Offers an understanding in the area of reading by providing Orton-Gillingham, multi-sensory reading lessons through direct instruction for identified groups across the grade level with an emphasis on emergent, beginning, and transitional readers.
    • Engage in self-reflection and professional growth through participation in the Professional Growth Program including goal setting, professional development activities, and ongoing dialog with Lower School Head.
    • Collaborate with the Learning Specialist, School Counselor, and Lower School Head, in providing students with academic and social support, and attend family/support meetings as needed.
    • Participate in staff, lower school division, grade-level meetings, and other meetings as needed to accomplish the goals of the program.
    • Uphold professional standards of punctuality, discretion, and professionalism.
    • Facilitate and record notes for Fall and Spring Parent/Guardian Conferences.
    • Prepare semester report cards and student portfolios.
    • Coordinate a variety of divisional events for the grade level; including, Acorn Stories, Merry Go Round, Step Up, and concerts.
    • Coordinate student presentations and participation at assemblies.
    • Communicate and engage with families regularly (write posts to class websites and newsletter articles).
    • Supervise students during lunch and recess duties.
    • Attend weekly library class with students to support them during whole-group and individual work time.
    • Collaborate with the grade level team in planning and implementing New Student Orientation.
    • Actively participate in opening and closing weeks.

    Additional School Wide Expectations:
    • Support admissions work through tours and visitors, as well as participating in Open Houses.
    • Lead a monthly meeting of a mixed age group of Live Oak students (Groves).
    • Participate in Lower School Back to School Night.
    • 参加活橡树营。
    • Attend the Art Show.
    • Attend professional development.
    • Engage the summer reading.
    • Other duties as assigned.

    Salary Description
    $70,000-$95,000 per year DOE

    Apply for this position here. 
  • Middle School Learning Specialist

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    The Middle School Learning Specialist strengthens the capacity of the school to promote a healthy and inclusive school climate. This role facilitates ongoing communication among students, staff, and families to ensure that support services and programs are integrated into the school community setting. The Middle School Learning Specialist will remain current on trends in learning services, including the latest educational research findings, and the Think:Kids approach to Collaborative Problem Solving. The role of the Middle School Learning Specialist is to promote student success through student wellness, social-emotional learning, and the Collaborative Problem Solving approach. 
    The Middle School Learning Specialist guides the successful learning support practices of the Live Oak School program that promotes every student reaching their full potential and promise. 

    Primary Responsibilities of the Middle School Learning Specialist
    • Case Management and Referrals - Collaborate with the Director of Learning Services to make recommendations to families for outside evaluation and support, while also facilitating regular communication between students, families, and outside providers
    • Faculty Collaboration and Training - Work with teachers and specialists to implement instructional techniques to reach all learners, differentiate learning practices, understand and implement learning profiles, and provide resources as necessary
      • Observation - Push into classrooms to support, observe, and give feedback for implementation of a balanced, responsive, and differentiated approach
    • Teach 6th and 7th Grade (4 Sections Each, Once Per Cycle) Learning Lab Classes
    • Screening and Assessment - Conduct student screenings using a variety of informal and formal assessment tools: provide regular feedback to teachers, parents, and students when appropriate
      • Interpretation - Interpret results of in-house screenings and assessments as well as reports prepared by outside professionals and communicate this information with teachers as appropriate
    • Meetings - Participate in weekly Student Support Meeting, grade level and staff meetings, and meet regularly with the Director of Learning Services and Middle School Division Director
    • Coordinate the Individual Student Support Program
    • Coordinate curriculum for students in the program
      • Meet with a limited number of students
    • Family Collaboration - Help families understand their child’s learning style, needed accommodations, and techniques that can be implemented in the home; provide resources as necessary
    • Scheduling of Spaces for Outside Learning Specialists/Tutors - Share coordination of room assignments and schedules with the Director of Learning Services

    Additional School-Wide Expectations
    • Offer Brainery recess support times (in lieu of middle school recess/lunch duty)
    • Supports Admissions Work 
      • Host tours and visitors, as well as participating in the Middle School Open House
      • Serve as a member of the kindergarten screening team and facilitating screening of applicants to the middle school grades 
    • Co-lead a monthly meeting of mixed age group students (Grove)
    • Chaperone one Middle School Evening Event
    • Support students during one evening event, such as the Middle School Music Festival, middle school dance, or movie night
    • Attend the MS Music Festival/MS Drama Productions/Art Show
    • Participate in the outdoor ed/travel overnight education trip
    • Write speeches for graduates and attend the Eighth Grade Reflections Ceremony (to be determined by previous experience with the graduating class)
    • Participate in Camp Live Oak

    • Bachelor’s Degree required
    • Master’s level degree preferred
    • Experience working with students with learning challenges
    • Learning Specialist/Educational Therapist is desired

    The Middle School Learning Specialist is 100% full time and reports to the Director of Learning Services. The Middle School Learning Specialist works collaboratively with the Division Directors, the Learning Services team, the Middle School Deans, and the Middle School faculty. 

    Salary Description
    $75,000- $110,000 Depending on Experience.

    Apply for this position here
  • Lower School Spanish Teacher

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    This position will teach Spanish to grade K-5. Applicants should have experience as head teachers, professional training, enjoy collaborative work on curriculum development, demonstrate a commitment to issues of equity and social justice, and feel a resonance with the school’s mission, vision, values, and educational philosophy.
    This is a full time position and reports to the Lower School Division Director.
    Primary Responsibilities of the Spanish Teacher:
    • The Spanish Teacher is responsible for the planning, consistent documentation, and implementation of Live Oak School Spanish program, in accordance with the school’s educational philosophy, established scope and sequence, and adopted resources.
    • Teach classes in K-5 (20-24 teaching period per week).
    • Engage in self-reflection and professional growth through goal setting, participation in the PGP program, attending PD opportunities, and ongoing dialog with Lower School Division Director. 
    • Collaborate with Classroom Teachers, Learning Specialists, School Deans, and Lower School Division Director in providing students with academic and social support, and attend family/support meetings as needed.

    • Participate in staff, lower school division meetings, Spanish department meetings, and team meetings as needed to accomplish the goals of the program.
    • Facilitate and record notes for report card narratives and family conferences.
    • 制定和实施强有力的评估做法;定期向学生提供反馈。
    • Prepare semester report cards and midterm reports.
    • Coordinate Spanish fieldtrips and participate in grade-level field trips as needed throughout the year.
    • Communicate regularly with families (send assessed work home, and write posts to class websites and newsletter articles).
    • 领导一个丛林。
    • Supervise students during lunch, recess, and lower school assemblies.
    • Additional duties as assigned.

    • 通过接待参观和来访者,以及参与中学开放日,支持招生工作。
    • Participate in the Lower School Back to School Night.
    • 参加活橡树营。
    • Attend the Art Show.

    Salary Description
    $68,000-$90,000 per year DOE

    Apply for this position here
  • 初中人文科学教师

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    Live Oak is accepting resumes for a Middle School Humanities Teacher to begin in August, 2025. Applicants should have experience as head teachers, professional training, enjoy collaborative work on curriculum development, demonstrate a commitment to issues of equity and social justice, and feel a resonance with the school’s mission, vision, values, and educational philosophy. Please submit a resume and complete supplemental questions to apply. 
    This is a full time position and reports to the Middle School Division Director.

    • The middle school humanities teacher is responsible for the planning, consistent documentation, and implementation of the middle school humanities program, in accordance with the department standards and school’s educational philosophy, established scope and sequence, and adopted resources.
    • Estimated course load: Teach 2 sections of 1 grade level of humanities; oversee a weekly club; and participate in duties and study halls.
    • Engage in self-reflection and professional growth through goal setting, participation in the PGP program, and attending PD opportunities.
    • 领导一个由初中生组成的咨询小组,与年级组在内容上进行合作。
    • Collaborate with Middle School Learning Specialist, School Counselor, and Deans in providing students with academic and social support, and attend family/support meetings as needed.

    • 根据需要参加工作人员、中学部、人文学科、团队会议,以完成项目的目标。
    • Facilitate and record notes for advisees’ student-led Fall and Spring parent conferences.
    • 制定和实施强有力的评估做法;定期向学生提供反馈。
    • 准备三个月的成绩单和期中报告。
    • 指导学生的作品集工作。
    • 协调橡子的故事。
    • 协调人文学科的实地考察,并参加全年的咨询实地考察。
    • Communicate regularly with families (send assessed work home, and write posts to class websites and articles).
    • 领导一个丛林。
    • 参加中学内部代课计划。
    • 在午餐、课间休息和中学集会期间监督学生。
    • 与年级组合作,计划和实施新生入学教育。

    • 通过接待参观和来访者,以及参与中学开放日,支持招生工作。
    • Participate in the Middle School BTSN.
    • 参加活橡树营。
    • 在一个晚上的活动中支持学生,如初中音乐节、初中舞会或电影之夜。
    • 参加MS音乐节/MS戏剧制作/艺术表演。
    • 参加户外教育/旅行过夜教育之旅。
    • 为毕业生写演讲稿,并参加八年级的反思仪式(根据以往毕业班的经验来决定)。
    Click here to apply to this position.

  • 课后项目负责人

    为一所独立的K-8年级学校寻找一名有经验的课后项目负责人。我们位于旧金山阳光明媚的Potrero Hill。我们学校的使命是支持每个学生的潜力和承诺。我们提供坚实的学术基础,培养个人自信和与他人合作的能力,激励学生以同情心和诚信行事,并培养学生对学习的热情,使其终生受益。课后项目负责人的主要职责是帮助促进学生在一个有趣的、有组织的和支持性的课后环境中的健康发展。该职位是兼职的。

  • 未来的教育家

    Live Oak总是对那些想了解Live Oak学校专业机会的教育工作者感兴趣。如果您希望我们在有可能适合您的兴趣和专长的职位时与您联系,请分享您的简历和介绍信。

  • 代课教师



A Live Oak Career...

Supports Your Entire Well-Being

Our faculty and staff enjoy a range of comprehensive health, dental, and vision benefits, along with mental health resources to support your whole self.

Builds Teamwork

You will be a valued member of a team of dedicated educators who work collaboratively to provide a one-of-a-kind education. Exchange ideas as a lower school co-teacher or build inter-curricular projects in middle school.

Fosters Learning & Growth

Staff and faculty have a wealth of professional development opportunities at their disposal. Attend a conference, undergo specialized content training, or earn a certification. Live Oak even offers funding to help you pursue an advanced degree that supports your journey as an educator.

Is Inclusive of All

Affinity spaces and events bring our staff, faculty, families, and students together in shared celebration of culture and identity. Members of our faculty & staff annually attend the national People of Color Conference and take an active role as peer leaders in Live Oak's SEED (Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity) chapter, providing important opportunities to engage in equity-driven initiatives.

Opens Doors to the World

Step beyond the classroom and help your students explore the world for themselves. With regular field trips at all grade levels, middle school outdoor education, and the school-wide Camp Live Oak you will get to experience the world and help open your students' eyes to meaningful learning.

Invites you into our community

You will be part of a dynamic community where your contributions will be integral to the life of Live Oak School, offering your unique talents, skills, and interests as a sports coach, club moderator, grade level advisor, committee member, or professional development leader.

Employment at Live Oak

List of 6 items.

  • 100%

    Expenses covered for faculty & staff to attend PD conferences and workshops, including registration, travel, lodging, and meals
  • 55%

    Faculty & staff of color
  • 61

    Faculty & staff who live in the city of San Francisco
  • 75th

    Percentile and above at which Live Oak benchmarks faculty & staff salaries, keeping them competitive with comparable schools and districts
  • 85%

    Faculty who have at least 5+ years of teaching experience
  • 90+

    Average number of annual professional development hours each faculty/staff member undergoes, including weekly in-service sessions to participation in conferences and workshops
Live Oak学校欢迎并接纳任何种族、肤色、民族和族裔、公民身份、性别认同、性别表达、性取向和信仰的学生参与Live Oak学校的所有权利、特权、项目和活动。在管理其教育政策和计划、招生政策、调整后的学费计划以及体育和其他学校管理的计划方面,Live Oak学校不存在基于种族、肤色、民族和族裔出身、公民身份、性别认同、性别表达、性取向和信仰的歧视。