By: Jill Pierce and Patrick Sullivan, Lower School Music Teachers
In K-4 music, we’ve been focusing on what constructivism looks and sounds like in the music room. How can we construct and create music together?
Fourth grade music students have been using what they know about music theory (major, minor, and pentatonic scales; the “home tone” or “do” of the scale; dynamics; and form/patterns in music) and combining that knowledge with active listening and cooperation to practice improvising together on the xylophones. We learned that even if one knows a lot about music theory and is a skilled player, listening to each other and responding to one another is essential in order to create a meaningful musical conversation and some good music!
Our gratitude in advance for being a supportive and enthusiastic audience at the Music Festival – whether you’re able to come in person or if you watch the video with your K-4th grader! Your child needs that performance opportunity to reach their highest potential in music. They might love all things music, or be a somewhat reluctant band member, but as we prepare for the festival, everyone gets to practice the life skills of listening actively and working together as a group to make something bigger than themselves. Fourth graders will be sharing some of their xylophone improvisation at the music festival. Improvisation puts the performer in a particularly vulnerable position, but we decided as a group that we were up to this challenge, and the students want to share this with you all because it’s so exciting to create a song together on the spot. We hope you have as much fun listening as we do improvising.
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