Get Ready to Hop on Back to the Rockin' 50s

Sign-ups and rehearsals for the fall middle school play, At the Hop, are getting underway. Shows will be on Friday, November 1 at 7:30pm and Sunday, November 2 at 1pm and 4pm. 
It's the rockin’ 1950s! Follow students through their school day as they daydream in English class, play pranks in the lunchroom, practice for the talent show and end with the big Sock Hop dance. Actors will hilariously lip-sync (or sing live) classic songs such as “Jailhouse Rock”, “Rockin’ Robin”, “Chapel of Love”, and “Great Balls of Fire”. This show is jam-packed with goofy jokes, silly characters, and lots and lots of easy but fun dancing. Roll up your jeans and pull out those poodle skirts–this show is gonna be a rockin’ good time! This is a FANTASTIC performance project for those new to the stage. Seventh and eighth grade students are invited to participate in the production, either as actors or tech crew.


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