How Our School Community Thrives

By: Audrey Soriano and Rafa Arms, K South Teachers
Now that the school year is in full swing, kindergartners have been learning about and having discussions around the people in our community. Besides classroom teachers, what are the other jobs needed in a school? Who are the workers at Live Oak School, and how do people at Live Oak School help each other? How do people’s jobs help the school and what tools do people use to perform their work effectively? 
During these last few weeks, the children have seen the ways that grown-ups and children work together to help create the type of school community we can all be proud of. They walked around the school and conducted interviews with various school helpers observing their spaces as well as the different tools they use. 

Asking them WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY questions informed our kids about the different roles and responsibilities of these other community members. Some of our school helpers included Janeth, our receptionist; Maria, our crossing guard, and Joaquin, our facilities director. There are so many important people that help our school operate and thrive! 

As they reflected on the different people who fill these vital roles in our community, students shared a job they would like to do, should they work at a school one day. Some said they wanted to be an art teacher, a chef in the cafeteria, a school nurse who helps when people are hurt, or someone who helps fix things that are broken, like Joaquin. Our hope is that our students will think about the ways they can be helpers in our school, at home, and in the outside world.


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