Book Fest will happen from December 2-6. In addition to our pop-up bookstore coordinated with Books, Inc., there will be many fun events for students and parents. Please sign up to volunteer and help make this event a success! You can pre-order guest author books now! Pre-orders are due by December 2 by 2pm. Read below for the calendar of events.
Calendar of Events:
Pop-Up Bookstore in the Gym:
Tuesday, 4-6pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 8am-6pm
Monday, December 2: Guest Author Maha Kadafour meets with grade K-2.
Tuesday, December 3: Guest Author Mark Oshiro meets with grades 5-8.
Thursday, December 5: Guest Illustrator Katie Dorame meets with grades 3 & 4
Thursday, December 5: Books for Breakfast: Earle from Books, Inc. will present us with some of his favorite selections for adults. Be sure to RSVP!
Stay tuned here for further details about pre-orders and events!
Reach out to Johnny Galang,, with any questions.
Live Oak学校欢迎并接纳任何种族、肤色、民族和族裔、公民身份、性别认同、性别表达、性取向和信仰的学生参与Live Oak学校的所有权利、特权、项目和活动。在管理其教育政策和计划、招生政策、调整后的学费计划以及体育和其他学校管理的计划方面,Live Oak学校不存在基于种族、肤色、民族和族裔出身、公民身份、性别认同、性别表达、性取向和信仰的歧视。