Lower School PE: Teaming Up for Cosmic Games

By: Katie Moore, Lower School PE Teacher
In the thrilling game, "Vader Cone Ball" teams engage in a dynamic challenge that highlights teamwork, throwing skills, cooperation, strategy, and accuracy. Each team is assigned specific roles, including cone guards, a Vadar, and storm troopers. The objective is to eliminate the opposing Vader while simultaneously knocking down all three cones placed throughout the playing area.
Storm troopers must sit down if they are hit by a thrown ball below the waist or if an opponent catches a ball thrown by them. However, catching a ball allows the player to visit the "bank," represented by the teacher, where they can choose to save the catch or use it to raise a fallen cone back up. If a team loses their Vader, they can use a catch to free all sitting storm troopers, reintegrating them back into the game.

The game begins with the "Vader Tag" element, where the primary goal is to eliminate the Vader by hitting them below the waist. Storm troopers play a crucial role in protecting their Vader by blocking or catching incoming balls. To increase the intensity, an additional variation introduces a second Vader, transforming the gameplay into "Double Vader Tag."

The experience also incorporates "Cone Ball," where each team has three bowling pins, referred to as cones, strategically placed within the gym. The objective is to knock down all three of the opposing team's cones before they can do the same to yours. Once a cone is knocked down—whether by a thrown ball or accidentally—it remains down for the duration of the game. Players can revive fallen cones by catching a ball and visiting the bank, where they can either save their catch or use it to raise a cone. Additionally, catches can be used to rescue teammates who have been hit and are sitting out.

Combining "Vader Tag" and "Cone Ball" elevates the excitement and complexity of these enjoyable games. As students progress through different levels, they experience a heightened sense of achievement by setting and accomplishing goals in engaging ways. This layered approach fosters teamwork, communication, and strategic thinking, encouraging students to collaborate and support one another. By merging these thrilling activities, students are motivated to improve their skills while having fun, making each session a rewarding and memorable experience for everyone involved.


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