Middle School Music Festival is Next Week

The Middle School Music Festival is coming up next week in the Grand Hall. The fifth and sixth graders will perform on Tuesday, April 1 at 6:30pm, followed by the seventh and eighth graders on Wednesday, April 2 at 6:30pm. Audiences can look forward to a diverse lineup of music, spanning jazz, rock, folk, reggae, pop, and musical theatre—performed through both vocals and a variety of instruments. Each evening of music will last approximately one hour. We can’t wait to see you there!


Live Oak学校欢迎并接纳任何种族、肤色、民族和族裔、公民身份、性别认同、性别表达、性取向和信仰的学生参与Live Oak学校的所有权利、特权、项目和活动。在管理其教育政策和计划、招生政策、调整后的学费计划以及体育和其他学校管理的计划方面,Live Oak学校不存在基于种族、肤色、民族和族裔出身、公民身份、性别认同、性别表达、性取向和信仰的歧视。